Posts tagged ‘Gandhi’

October 17, 2011

Take a Seat! : Those who fast outside the house of thieves

Another related tactic of civil disobedience is the Sit-in, which Wikipedia says Mohandas Gandhi may have borrowed from the Indian principle of Dharma where a person fasted outside the home of someone who owed them a debt.

While the Occupy movement has generally chosen to demonstrate in public spaces, the Sit-in tactic has often been employed in semi-public spaces (segregated restaurants in the past, but banks might be ideal today). Individuals across the country might consider employing other tactics in conjunction and support of the ongoing Occupy efforts.



October 16, 2011

Flash Occupancy

As in the game of Go, it is easier to surround an opponent, thus gaining their territory, if they only choose to occupy finite corners of the board. In fact, this is the only manner in which the 1% may appear to surround and hold the liberties of the 99% . . .

Liberties cannot be taken, they’re always given.

Sieges are often won by the force that lasts, as they’re logistically difficult to maintain. Within the history of civil resistance encampments often have been broken, such as at Ludlow or the tent camps of the Bonus Army, but their impact has resonated beyond their isolated corners.

The occupancies that are occurring today are unprecedented, yet benefit from a strategy that served the Freedom Riders, in that coast to coast, or worldwide,  all our hopes are not ultimately invested in the success or failure of one specific action or location. The aim is for a tipping point.

Occupy Flash Mobs

An innovative new tactic in civil resistance is the Smart Mob (Flash Mob), wherein a smaller group of activists is covertly dispatched to stage a coordinated creative action at a specific public or semi-public location within a comparatively brief window of time. The advantages of this tactic, used in support of the ongoing Occupy actions, would be that would allow the temporary occupancy of a larger territory of the social and physical landscape, better facilitating a GO strategy of expanded influence (corner, side, and then the center of the board).


If each action of these individual Smart Mobs, creative Flash Protests was YouTubed, then their viral value would be more important than their brief physical existence. And the more artfully they’re done and entertaining, the more they might virally pierce the media blockade, and spread awareness of specific issues.